个人觉得,虽然以台湾读者优先,但因为台湾不封锁网站,所以不见得一定要把网站架在台湾,或用台湾的 blog sites,一切应以稳定度和容易维护为主要考虑。
数年前看个人或是小公司自己架网站,碰到的问题很多: (1)中毒;(2)被骇;(3)阻断式攻击(denial-of-service, DoS attack);(4)浏览的人数多的话,频宽不够进不去....等。所以觉得自架网站可靠度相对较低。不知道现在网站架设平台和工具是否比较成熟,这些问题已经容易克服。
自建网站不需要用word express啦, 很麻烦。象weebly这样的平台,很容易自己维护,之于google site 也不错,还帮注册域名(一年10刀)。这两个都是免费(到目前为止)。但Google site大陆无法访问,weebly 不清楚。 我的个人网页就是自己建在google site 上。
I used to be a regional reporter of ChinaTimes US version, they were closed out in 1989-1990 due to the Tianmen event. By the time i stayed with US ChinaTimes, I'd seen enough to realize 'tis not a reliable mainstream media, I've seen it coming since then, no sweat. UDN is older than my age(founded early 50's) they are pretty grounded. Unlikely to be closed out, IMO udn blog might at most be transformed in the future, this is my best bet.
2017-10-25 00:00
Living in the US, I've been using UDN blog since 2013, login almost everyday without problem. udn need no verify my phone when i sign up yrs ago(now i dunno). webmaster in udn is pretty attentive, if any question/problem they'd reply you within average 7 days. u can upload, cut/paste picture/vid etc., posted 1k articles there already, my experience with udn blog is overall good. what's more, I have posted article criticized udn without being banned or blocked, so far I'm contented hanging out there. FYI and BEST blessing!
2017-10-25 00:00
btw, i disagree there said"udn blog mostly concern 'travel, food...', there's HUGE section of political in udn blog, however essays like yours are rear in terms of high quality criticism. however I've read some excellent articles from retired ex-udn reporters(Washington DC specialized), media personnel and high ranking veterans there on udn blog, they are much lower profile( unwilling to be known) hence I have to "look for 'em", yet should you resonant with 'em you'd find 'em easily. a few mature, sophisticated and wise writers is one of the main reason i stick to und blog instead of other choices.
2017-10-25 00:00
correction: ...however essays like yours are "RARE" in terms of high quality criticism.
2017-10-25 00:00
correction: my employer was "中报" which wasn't affiliated with ChinaTimes in any shape or form. there's never been a ChinaTimes US version as far as I know. sorry, my error of memory lapse--it happened near 30 yrs ago, i don't blame myself ;-)