前些日子不清楚先生刚做了手术真是打扰了,也谢谢先生细心的回答。恢復阶段除了看书也推荐先生看看电影来放松,顺便在此推荐几部喜欢的电影,1战争之王Lord of War(2005),讲述冷战刚结束时期一个军火商的发家史,结合不少歷史背景。2再见列寧Good Bye,Lenin!两德统一的歷史大潮下一个东德青年的故事(这电影基本上没夹带西方政治宣传,更多是怀旧和感动)。3人民解放军占领巴黎(70年代末拍的),法国人导演的恶趣味幽默片,讽刺了中国的文革和法国的社会氛围,略微有些俗但是非常搞笑。
我已经有10几年不看电视(GoT是偶尔陪儿子看),电影也是一个月租一两个片子,所以很挑。《Lord of War》我看过。
王先生您好.Opioid类为术后止痛常用的药物,不外乎是oxycodone,tramadol, or ultracet(tramadol + acetaminophen),止痛效果不错,但可能会头晕或些许胃肠不适,短期服用不会成瘾.另一类(NSAID)则需注意胃肠道或肾功能等副作用,但可多饮水及饭后服用避免之.若真有顾虑,tylonol也是不错的选择.现在对于术后止痛(或任和慢性疼痛)越来越宽容,痛可以控制,其实不用忍.祝您早日康復,也期待您的大作.
"我最近买了三本新书,就待在床上慢慢读了", I would like to know the titles of those 3 books, If those are not physics-related, I probaly like to read it myself.
Just finished 《Three Body Problem》. The English translation is excellent.
I am half-way through 《Shattered Sword》. This is a serious piece of research work on the history of the Battle of Midway. I will probably write a review later.
To Acer: this is for a laugh...my son was wondering how this collision happened...I jokingly replied Oh it has to be the US destroyer (?) commander and crew hold its usual western cowboy arrogant attitude and expected any/all other traffic to give way ....(see if you dare not give way...) and this time unfortunately the container carrier is huge and pretty much thought they have the right of the way always too...then the tragic accident happened when both refused to give way.. I had this silly guess based on a joke i heard about one similar occurance that when once an US warship threatened another " vessel" to give way while boasting how powerful and deadly their warship was and how serious the consequences another vessel will face if they don't, but US warship finally gave way because they were told in the end of communication that another "vessel" was actually a Light house
one of my friends she attended schools in India before she moved to NZ for University study, she told me in their official textbooks there were plenty of unfriendly description about China and Chinese culture...basically Indian people were told by the govt that their just about everything in India is superior than Chinese version...they see Chinese as their competition as well as opponents...another thirty something male immigrant from India once proudly declared that India will soon beat China in population as well as their economy...i was totally surprised to hear this...in term of population win...i actually thought they need to have much better family planning strategy and birth control in India...obviously their govt doesn't think so...and their love for nuclear power, the current close r alliance with Trump govt after big trade deals between two countries...all showing their unfriendliness if not "hostility" towards China in some ways... How many countries can PRC go against? really...I wonder...It's worrying...
India lied, as usual.
In order to maintain the fictions, Indian government has to this day banned the Handerson Brooks Report, which is India's own official review of the 1962 war. I don't understand why China does not simply put this report in the open, and refer to it every time India makes a provocation.
很遗憾,几十年前的那场战争无论责任在谁,确实极大地影响了中国和印度的关系。失利的一方肯定难以释怀,尽管不幸中的万幸是几乎没有双方平民卷入战争。印度人很有潜力,可惜三个因素极大地阻碍着他们。民主制度、种性制度和女权的严重缺失。前一项王先生和大家讨论了许多。后两项则直接妨碍印度人口六成以上的教育、生活水平提高。尽管近年有所改善却依旧严重影响着印度社会。他们对中国当今社会的认知就像我们文革时期对世界的认知,作为大陆人也没资格去取笑他们,相信如果他们能克服上述阻碍显着发展经济和提升教育生活水平后再回头看今天的他们自己就会像我们大陆人看文革时期的自己一样感到无奈又哭笑不得。最后关于和中国关系对立的国家的确有些多了,再上面一层我和王先生讨论中提到的Southeast Asia Treaty Organization就是这些国家的一种组织化的体现(不过当时是反共为主)。最令人担忧的是中国和半数的邻国有过节,他们几乎对中国形成了半包围(北边还有个莫名其妙仇视中国的蒙古,但蒙古属于俄国势力范围,暂时不会有冲突),一旦美国将这些国家整合起来会给中国造成极大压力……
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