对于迷信“会閙的有糖吃”的臺湾愚民,“真理只在大炮的射程之内”是个极端陌生的概念,可能根本无法接受,那么至少先学学一句Bismarck真正説过的话吧:“A Conquering Army On The Border Will Not Be Stopped by Eloquence.”也就是“口水是阻挡不了敌军的。”
No real winner if there is military conflict between China and other super powers...I feel depressed by the fact that so many believe the huge fist is the only way to lead in today's and future's world...where is the hope for people and this planet if we all believe in this kind of winning...? China doesn't have to follow the existing rules set by US. or European countries, nor does it need to develop in the same way as they did... With so many clever Chinese everywhere China can lead this world in a totally different and innovative style with unconventional logic to a much brighter future for all...but firstly they/we need to believe it's possible to have alternatives Just look at the power and influence of Hollywood movies; it brainwashed/ influenced even controlled so many non Americans' minds...more powerful than weapons... anyway being a peace activist, I might be over sensative towards certain type of talks, i apologize if i offend some of you.
I do believe that China is fundamentally a far more benign power than Britain or the US. Yet, before it officially takes over the mantle of the sole superpower, having a clear view of the reality in international politics is the only safe thing to do.
2017-05-24 00:00
Thanks guys for your understanding (of my view)...I just found the recent developments which created so many tensions even crisis between countries were so stressful especially when i think of our (children's too) future and this planet's futures...time has changed and nowadays' WMD could easily destroy the whole world many times over...just looked at those millions of refugees and destroyed (little )countries ...do we need more of this? Can we afford to have more of this? Is it because i am also a woman and a mother so I am more sensative towards these? I do realize and agree sometimes the only way to stop bullies is to prove you have the power to fight back (sadly it's been proven often in my children's school play grounds, the time the bullying stopped was when the victim fight back successfully or even unsuccessfully, not because of teacher/parent's intervention), but still, with already existing anti Chinese attitudes seen in many people/countries, I think Chinese govt needs to be very smart and tactful regarding which path to take to become the next super power (it can't be just military and economic powers, i personally believe there are many other unique Chinese " cultural"powers can be very influential and effective)...anyway it's such a big and complex topic with or without easy answer, I will leave it to smart guys here to figure out. Thank you for the feedback
We are not talking about what SHOULD have been, but what really IS. China is not Taiwan. It is too big for the reigning hegemon to ignore. Chinese do not have the luxury of being naive.
我最早看到这句话的时候大家都说这是Stalin说的,其实在Google上面Stalin说过的最接近的话是'The only real power comes out of a long rifle.'但是我也不确定这是不是原话,出处我也考据不到,不过在网路上引用还是非常多的。这句话直译的话有点'枪杆子里面出政权'的意思,但是后者在Google世界里面的标准翻译是'Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun.' 我同意王兄的观点,这句话和Bismarck没什么关系,完全是无中生有,张冠李戴,或者说是艺术再加工罢了。
从几位的回覆感到共鸣⋯⋯这让我想起了司马辽太郎名作坂上之云的一个情景。明治维新时代的男主角在西学堂上老师教了他们一段英文English gentlemen are philanthrophists,assisting the weak and striking down the strong. They detest all unfairness and fight for justice while showing great respect for the law. (英文转自知乎)而男主角和老师在街上看见洋人在欺压日本平民时不解地问老师为什么西方绅士和书上不一样,老师却告诉他那些道理只适用于西方人之间。顺便一提小说中男主的老师是高桥是清,原先憧憬西方的先进文明,在西方求学却被卖为奴,这段经歷让他对西方有了深刻的认识吧。(此人是当时日本经济专家,歷任首相财相及日银总裁)
Because you mentioned Russia so I will mention this, last night i was at a meeting where Soviet union was being mentioned quite a bit (the M. Gorbachev's era),and i was thinking /wondering if he has regretted what he had done which brought Russia to such an awkward state (especially economically) currently...Luckily PRC did learn from this hard lesson of Russia and could modify the change model (?)...last night one asked me if the same thing ( the collapse of Soviet Union) will happen to China...i replied with a confident smile saying " I don't think so-when i actually really felt like saying " Never" "
Russia serves as the negative example, while China the positive. Most of the world no longer believes in the Washington Consensus.
2017-05-25 00:00
Sorry for taking too much space here...NZ govt has just announced a few days ago that the remaining 11 countries (minus U.S.) will still push ahead TPP, do you have opinions on the implications caused by this change?
I doubt it.
I think their hope is to drag this out for 4 more years and wait for the next US president.