Nowadays (recent years) we heard so many (business) cases/deals with foreign sellers which obviously ripped off Chinese buyers (or Chinese govt) by millions even billions...some might think it's due to ignorance, but often it involved corruptions (commissions for go betweens or kick backs, bribes etc)...if it's corruption, then nothing to do with intelligence/intellect...which is beyond Science, or it's some kind of political science? maybe such purchase/funding inevitably will become one of those very expensive lessons Chinese (govt) will pay to learn in the name of progress /prosperity)? Great to know some clear heads are trying to stop multi billions being wasted in Sci-fi attempt. God bless
This thing is not settled yet. I still need help to prevent these con men from succeeding.
我赞成王先生的观点和立场,也赞成您的学术质疑态度。 高能对撞机对我而言太深奥,但是,我可以谈谈我的一点经历。 与我相关的研究学科中,里面有一个分支领域,其中一些学术大牛,发了太多无用的文章。论文等身,但是毫无用处,不能与工程应用结合。国际学术界的教授相互支持,学术论文相互评审,相互放水,大家心知肚明。 我分别在一家中国研究所,一家中国(最着名的)科技公司工作过,里面的工程师很容易就点出了该领域在工程中的不切实际之处,拒绝跟进。 但这些教授可以拿着“Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them"神主牌,继续威风。很奇怪,这些大牛中,更多来自国外,这可能和国外高校的缺乏项目基金有关,或者也和国外教授更会造概念(类似于金融衍生产品)有关。好在该领域毕竟小众,投入很少,不会对整个学科造成不好。 有的教授,屁股决定脑袋,很少跳出来为整体利益考虑。我欣赏王先生的品格,您的文章我也一直跟进拜读,让我受益匪浅! 祝您早日康复
曾跟孩子说: The son justifies the dad. 略改自常用的The end justifies the means. 嫁到坏老公,婚姻不幸福,但儿子成才,则老公也不算嫁得太错了,毕竟无此老公,便无此儿。用比较诗意的话来说,就是"美丽的错误"。看来,孟源兄在学术路上的误入歧途也有它积极的意义,防止更多人误入歧途,阻止更多资源虚耗在上头。这种天命,不知该哭,还是该笑?毕竟很长一段时间,我都认为我认识的人中,你是最可能在科学上能为人类突破建功者。年过半百,还是往笑的方向想,往笑的方向努力了。
前一阵子看到这篇Burton Richter 的演讲。Richter是我非常尊敬的真正科学家。同时又有优异的管理才能。 开始他说道: “Simply put, it looks to me as if much of what passes as the most advanced theory these days is more theological speculation than it is the development of practical knowledge.”
特别去翻阅中国科学院高能物理研究所所长王贻芳文章建议的参考资料1 CEPC-SppC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Volume I: Physics and Detector 其中page 25 Fig. 2.5 下方文字说” Collisions at 100 TeV experimentally probe the standard model in a regime where the electroweak symmetry is effectively restored. “,再找到原文出处: Figure 1-6 shows the predicted cross sections…. 所以实验尚未进行。
在原文出处 Section 1.6 Higher-order corrections 中,可瞭解中科院要接续建33Tev~100Tev的原因: The implementation of higher-order corrections in parton-level predictions and Monte Carlo generators is essential for maximizing the potential of future experiments. This section presents a wide survey of both current tools and directions of future development, with applications to LHC operations at 14 TeV and to proton-proton collisions at 33 and 100 TeV.
但是 LHC 的实验: “去年12月出现在资料曲线中的那个着名的“双光子峰”已经消失” ,一些理论物理学家开始为希格斯子品质设计全新的自然解释,以期避免人择推理的宿命论,又不必依赖LHC中出现新粒子。: Theoretical physicists have started to ….. avoid the fatalism of anthropic reasoning and do not rely on new particles showing up at the LHC. …..“….. aimed at coping with the lack of apparent new physics at the LHC.”