Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies are unlikely to spend significant efforts on developing treatments for diseases that selectively affect poorer countries, because they cannot put high price tags on such treatments. One hope is that many of the business tycoons (Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffets, etc.) have pledged to donate a very significant chunk of their wealth to society. Some of the money may be directed to develop drugs for treating tropical diseases. For example, the Gates foundation has already been pushing for research on global health problems.
Instead of charity, I think Chinese national governments will be able to do an even better job. It also has the side benefit of developing technical know-hows.
Please correct me if i were wrong...there are a few different angles i took from reading this article 1. I thought more and more people have growing resistence to antibiotics is because in many developing or under developed countries people believed anti biotics to be magic pills and took them (bought them over the counter in any drug stores ) without prescription/proper instructions, abuse and overdosage caused more and more resistence while weakening immune system...that's one of those reasons why newer and stronger "super" drugs need to be developed...vicious cycle! 2.Yes one of TPP's "evils" is American Pharmaceutical companies unreasonably extends the lengths for many popular or rare drugs' patents, which will cause a dramatic increase on the cost for many drugs, therefore make many drugs become unaffordable to many in need. 3. I personally see one of great and extremely valuable niches for Chinese is Chinese medicines and some traditional Chinese treatments/therapy...especially its key philosophies to be "prevention better than later treatment" , " the holistic treatment idea" and " natural ingredients (including foods) better than articifial/chemical elements therefore less side effect" etc. Of course there are always some exceptions in all areas mentioned...especially for certain Chinese medicines which endanger certain plants/animal while there weren,t even porven effects as some claimed. And of course there are in many areas Western medicines/treatments are superior in fixing problems...It needs systematic organisation and documentation for this precious science in my view for it to be well accepted by more western countries 4. this one might offend some; but some medical professionals from some western countries will tell you why some "extinct" deseases started appearing again in well developed countries was because the very many immigrants from less develped countries and much frequent travellings between countries...time to stop, getting too long
The current problem with superbugs has dual causes; abuse of existing antibiotics is just one of them. The other is the lack of investment in finding new ones.
Yes, I agree that the pharmaceutical clauses in TPP will be very harmful.
I don't think it is productive to distinguish western vs Chinese medicines. The correct distinction is whether they have been scientifically vetted.
The correct lesson from the recent Ebola epidemic is that the rich countries need to contribute more to public health issues for the poor. WHO is a badly run, poorly funded mess. Sorting it out would be a very good first step.
2015-09-04 00:00
To YM: I found racist comment very offensive...jobs scarcity is the major reason for unemployment, very low wages for low end jobs in U.S. (& NZ) can't even sustain basic standard of living... Please do not describe African Americans as the whole who are lazy and drug addicts...Why do Chinese complain about racial discrimination from white Europeans if they have the same attitudes? (almost like the darker skin you have, the less respect you get from those lighter coloured people...Come on, you have even got a president who can prove you wrong straight away). I hope those who are doing well in this world will have more compassion and empathy towards those who aren't. then maybe there is hope for us to have a better world
I don't think he was discriminating on the basis of skin color. My reading is that he was criticizing their culture, although the wording certainly would not pass any PC criteria.
2015-09-04 00:00
there was a documentary i watched last year basically demonstrated how ordinary people can get looked after much better under their national public health than any average American can when they get sick in U.S. And Cuba is seen as a very poor and tech behind country by many...
If health care is considered a basic citizen's right, of course the government will do a better job than the dozens of private companies, whose profits depend on denying coverage and shuffling papers.
2015-09-04 00:00
to be fair there were also cases in the past where serious deseases were from well developed countries to under developed/poor countries, those bugs/visus killed many defenseless locals because they didn't have immune system built up/develped to fight these "imported" deseases...scary thought is certain bugs/virus were deliberately created/developed for some secret agendas, or even with evil purpose. The worst of all was some poor people in very poor countries i.e. few African countries were being used by the multinational drug companies as guineapig to test their drugs in their drug development process...oh it's getting too dark now, please prove me wrong...
I don't think serving as guinea-pig is the major issue. The real scandal is how little the pharmaceutical industry spend on defeating those tropical diseases.
其实许多人对疫苗怀疑敌视态度并不能完全怪他们,实在是因为整个西方医学界太过于自大与腐败,导致许多人跟本上不再相信主流西方医学及执业医生所说的话.这篇文章提到了药厂与政府的责任,我认为医生也是重要共犯之一.你今天如果成为某个医学学会的重要成员,马上就一堆药厂或食品公司聘请你做顾问或提供你研究经费.因为每一个科别都有医疗的guideline供该科别的医师做参考.而这些guideline就是这些重要成员开会后撰写的,大部份的医师都会遵循以免出事被告.所以药厂极尽可能地影响这些成员.以美国 American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) 撰写的guideline为例,2700个心血管疾病有关的guideline中,有48%是或是没有科学证据的专家意见或例行处置,只有11%guideline是有一个以上研究支持的. jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=183453 而光AHA一年就收了药厂至少1500万美金,这种所谓专家意见或例行处置,要不受药厂影响是不可能的. www.heart.org/.../downloadable/ ucm_471722.pdf 许多没有科学证据的专家意见或例行处置不仅无效,还可能造成更大危害,这类例子现在也越来越多.最新的例子是0期乳癌的治疗方式.之前的研究显示93%的除期乳癌并不会发展成晚期乳癌,现在的证据显示,对于0期乳癌的治疗(乳房或肿块切除)并无法增加病人存活率. www.nytimes.com/... study.html 但美国一年有60,000个病例,这些外科医生怎可能放弃这种赚钱的机会呢.一个国家的人民以赚钱为最高宗旨,这个国家的这种发展趋势似乎是不可避免的.
另外根據自身經歷提醒一下大家,戒糖是非常非常有效的減肥方式。但是如果走極端的生酮飲食(完全不攝入碳水),還是要經常體檢注意一些内科指標。參考文獻, Is Losing Weight Worth Losing Your Kidney: Keto Diet Resulting in Renal Failure (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10121483/)