for a small city like wellington ( whole population for NZ is only about 4.3 millions), especially in its winter season, over 5000 people prepared to go to the street and protest is a huge crowd...there was even bigger crowd (under reported too) in Auckland, the biggest city in NZ with over one million population
I congratulate you all. The power behind the US wants TPP done; only a few small countries stand in the way.
2015-08-15 00:00
long time no talk (here)...we had one TPPA Walkaway rally here in wellington NZ yesterday and there were over 5000 people attended...but in govt controlled main stream media, they either ignored it or down sized the number of people there mondern days so many peoplecan proove these lies, but they still keep doing it...because there are planty of people still believe whatever they hear/were told by main stream sad can that be? Mr Wang, I wonder when you will write someting about PRC's zmb significant deflated values and its impact and implications domestically and globally...except for benefiting exports...
Were it not for the big money waiting to take advantage of the situation, depreciation would have been a natural move. Now there is substantial risk.
结论是,二战后民主政治的基础,仅仅是出于【偶然】导致的贫富差距暂时下降(或还未高到一定地步),Capital in the Twenty-First Century的重要之处,是指出了贫富差距扩大的趋势在冷酷地推进着,早晚会达到甚至超过欧洲一战前的水平(Piketty给出的解决方案纯属胡扯,简直像开玩笑一样,这里就不提了),等到那个时候,民主政治怎么持续下去,是很有趣的问题
Sorry i didn't seem to be able to locate the old article under the title ( Indian...).you mentioned in your reply to my reply......please kindly advise. thanks ( I checked those titles listed on right hand side of the screen.
It is a very old article written on Oct 15, 2014. I was quoting from an excellent exposition on this subject by Paul Verhaeghe on the Guardian. Its title is "Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us".
2015-08-29 00:00
still about the av woman...I worry about nowaday's Taiwanese bad taste & twisted value system promoted in too many areas...I thought we were taught about " yi 1-shih2-tsu2 -er 2-hou4 -tse1-zong2-zu 4 " means People will only have sense of shame when they have good basics, i.e. well clothed and fed...Aren't Taiwanese not well fed and clothed? It seems more like a society (or a city govt?) who is " Hsau4-pin2-bu2-hsau4-tsan1" Look down the poor but not the whore" ...although nowaday's standard it's also very politically incorrect to put down prostitution...which is not my intention. Sorry for not being able to type Chinese writing is actually much better than day soon I will try-new trick for old dog... I personally believe the population can be poor but still with good all depends where govt spend money on...a country with good tastes and beautiful culture in my view is more important than higher incomes...???
I think this is merely the result of accepting American culture without questioning its merits. As I discussed before in 《印度的烈火系列弹道飞弹》, under the modern American version of capitalism, everything is free (i.e. does not matter) except for money. So being rich and famous is the only thing that counts. Add the Taiwanese herd mentality and voila, you have porn stars on government issued ID.
2015-08-30 00:00
I personally don't really believe the so called work ethics, the 9 to 5 or 7 to 11 working life is a con to have "slaves" brainwashed and believe that's the right way to prove you have right to exist with dignity /repect from others...when so many of them work for long hours and get paid minimum who can barely survive, not mention to enjoy a quality life style...especially to spend quality time with loved ones...we should work to live, not live to work...right??
It is very easy for the privileged to convince themselves that they win on merits though, even if objective observers can see plainly that it was all luck and selfishness. Case in point, Donald Trump.
2015-08-30 00:00
thanks and Yes before you suggested I have done so ...I bought a book about how free market had failed in NZ last year but i haven't read it...will need to locate that book and find time to read it... Trump is so crazy but many in US seemed to want to encourage him to be even crazier by showing support in poll result...I think many of those must be doing this as a practical joke -let's see how crazy this man can be...almost like a clown to make people me those super rich few many of them succeded because of their greed and connections ( with those with political power, most politicians will sell their principles even their souls for donations...?) i need to stop overthinking, need to figure out what actions I can take to stop things from getting worse. Because you seem to be reading/knowing so much in many different areas, please do let me know if you read any article you think might help with those campaigns i involve with (other TPPA, there are also few others like Stop Deep Sea Oil drill/ anti mining/ fracking, Stop survailence on own people, rid gcsb and walk away from five eyes, Stop supporting American wars , etc. above mentioned are the major ones I have been placing my energy on... I know there are so much information online, but i am no good on knowing /choosing the very good ones to read with my little spare time (& impaired vision) so I actually don't read much unless it's recommended by people i trust. Not to drag here, in short i would appreciate your recommendation of good writings (or even better if you will write something about it/them-campaigns mentioned before. Thank you for sharing
Unfortunately, NZ is one of the 5 "eyes", i.e. a surveillance alliance with the US. There has to be heavy infiltration into the NZ government by the CIA.
I don't think those who support Trump are doing so as a joke. They are deadly serious and deadly wrong. Credit it to the American propaganda.
I do not have any activist experience, although I know someone who fits the bill in Massachusetts. If you give me your email, I will introduce you to him.
2015-08-30 00:00
thanks for the hint; i got to read this article on the Guardian...for someone who doen't belong to the winning team....this well written article is so true to the facts but also so depressing...all negatives/problems are clearly seen in NZ under this current heartless and rotten Nats led govt...Solutions are there but it's not in those winners' interests to adapt...(when in reality it is also in their best interests to do so, we all bettter off when those better offs prepare to share or help those worse offs...
I think that article is so good that it is worth sharing with your friends.