最近這一期的《Scientific American》(August 2015,Volume 313,Number 2)有一篇很好的文章,叫做《The Most Invasive Species of All》(《最具侵略性的物種》);當然這個最具侵略性的物種就是Homo Sapiens(智人)。我對演化的歷史,尤其是人類演化的歷史,一直很有興趣;而考古學界原本對智人崛起的過程語焉不詳。這篇文章所論證的學說卻是我所見過最具說服力的,所以在可見的未來,很可能會慢慢成為學術界的共識;在此與讀者們分享這個新理論。
以上這段已經被考古學界確認的歷史,會為有好奇心的讀者帶來幾個問題,其中最奇怪也最重要的是為什麼我們的共同先祖在一開始的13萬年裡混得如此不濟?而在7萬年前,他們吃了什麼藥,能從屌絲一躍而成為世界霸主?這篇文章的作者就對此提供了一個完整和合理的答案。他是美國Arizona State University的教授Curtis Marean,也是南非Pinnacle Point發掘計劃的主持人。 Pinnacle Point是在公元2000年發現的一個海邊洞穴,裡面有智人自17萬年前至4萬年前連續居住而留下來的化石和遺跡。後來它成為研究早期智人歷史最重要的考古資料來源,所以Marean教授是真正權威中的權威。而且我很喜歡他的寫作風格:一般為《Scientific American》寫稿的專家學者總有點畏首畏尾,明明有八九分證據有時卻只肯說二三分話。這是因為新發現要成為學術界的共識,通常有一個多年的過程,在這個過程中會有為出版而出版的論文提出Implausible But Not Impossible(可能性很小但不是絶對的零)的不同理論,所以必須慢慢地一個一個消除。在消除之前,正式的學術討論必須把所有的理論客氣地平等對待。一般作者也就習慣性地以學術論文的標準來《Scientific American》討論新發現,Marean教授卻不在乎客氣,一切只以證據與邏輯為準;要是有九成的把握,他就照說九成。例如原始人種和大型哺乳動物的絶種很明顯地應該是智人直接造成的,他就如此直說;別人卻會扭扭捏捏地列舉三四種其他可能性很小的解釋。
something of little relevance...nowadays i often come across quite intelligent young (maybe a bit pessimestic?)people saying they will not have children because how overloaded and screwed this planet already is by hamans...while in many less developed countries, people breed fast and many regardless (mindlessly?)...no wonder more sensible people got outnumbered... another issue about PRC; I have been wondering how decades of one child policy will be able to support much bigger ageing population in China? any smart solution?
Their birth rate is twice as high as Taiwan. Besides, the bureaucracy there should be capable of making some changes, i.e. self-correct.
I personally favour social democratic system, not just for TWN, might be the best for China too. I believe people on both sides can learn much from each other...I can't see unify by force being a sensible option as Chinese /Taiwanese shouldn't be so stupid...Kindness should be applied by Big PRC towards Tiny ROC, while with mutual respect...Hardware advancement currently seen in China will need "software ( civil society with cultural depth ) to catch up which mght take another 10 to 20 years...I saw Cultural revolution actually being very damaging to Chinese culture /tradition and society in the past and it will take time to recover its cultural pride completely...Another alarming signal is still PRC govt's iron wrist to control media & maybe not enough repect towards human rights in general ...many of us wrote to this blog will be taken by authority for a "chat over a cup of tea" if we speak the way we did in China...Most importantly, Chinese need to find its own path to develope and grow...not copying American way (especially not the free market BS!)
I think you have the wrong idea about China's online control. I personally have seen a lot worse online comments in vast quantity going on in China. The authority would do well if it can clean things up a bit.
2015-07-24 00:00
i hope we don't identify/define Taiwanese with their political views solely...it's a small island but twnese can still be proud...for our cloud gate, many brilliant writers,best foods available, great bookshops,hard working spirit, best public health care, creativity, fine artists, beautiful mountains, etc..their political views is not the only thing which matters in lifepls do not judge all too harshly...
Very true. Taiwan has politicized everything issue to the point that no rational dialogue is possible over the official channels. I hope I can encourage people to look from the economic point of view. After all, improving living standards is what society is all about.
2015-07-24 00:00
it's surprising as well as interesting to learn how some could misinterprete what i wrote to such degree...to me go to war no matter for what reason is " stupid", haven't we seen enough what wars did to people and to this world? I have never had superior feelings towards Chinese people; although i live in NZ, I have contacts with many newer immigrants from China all the time...their thinking and the problems they faced back home many are very similar to Taiwanese experienced in the past...so it's a phase...and China is catching up very fast-I do belive Chinese are smart and quick to learn people...and I have big hope to its grand future (provided the govt kept doing the right thing of course). When some laughed at few Chinese tourists' embarassing behaviours overseas, I often reminded them of the similar example in old days for Taiwanese tourits due to the lack of understanding of foreign language/cultures... I believe Chinese govt is doing the right thing re tight controls in certain areas, but I believe after this stabalising phase to improve th standard of living for all, people in China will want more (democracy, freedom of speech, human rights, less state control, etc)...this world is no more closed up and people will know more and want more...maybe in a decade... btw, I am no elete, just a stay at home mun (& an activist) who focuses on Common senses
In the meanwhile, we can agree that the current systems are not working, while disagreeing on the perfect future yet to come.
前面那位frances应该某种程度上还活在“台湾优越论”的迷梦里,对大陆的看法也基本都来自西方的反华歪曲。他对大陆问题的看法完全说不到点子上。那么问题来了,如果他已经是台湾人里的精英和相对的“温和派”,大陆等于没得选,只有付出较大代价武统了。随着时间推移,美国逐步对台湾越加“口惠而实不至”的时候,大陆武统的可操作性,成本的可控性也会越来越强。届时,武统绝不是一个stupid option,而是一个rational and feasible option. 不要认为西方世界会“联台抗陆”“国际社会不容大陆动用武力”,这些想法太一厢情愿。没有实力做底,losers are not choosers.
原作者Curtis Marean认为最后演化出(并非学习)能接受陌生人命令的新大脑迴路是一个关键点,这点令我非常震惊,因为儘管人类高端认知能力是如何运作的,到现在还很不清楚,但一般都接受的看法是:基因与学习(环境)对于大部份高阶认知能力的產生都很重要。我还去查原来Scientific American的文章。作者认为: A genetically encoded penchant for cooperation with unrelated individuals是关键之一. The joining of this unique proclivity to our ancestors' advanced cognitive abilities enabled them to nimbly adapt to new environments. This proclivity for collaboration—hyperprosociality—is NOT A LEARNED TENDENCY but instead a genetically encoded trait found only in H. sapiens. Dr. Marean否定学习在这ㄧ阶段演化过程中的角色,我认为这个假设很大胆,所以又找了他原来发表在Journal of Human Evolution(Volume 77, December 2014, Pages 17–40)的学术论文,在该文中,支持他假设的依据是这两篇文章Bowles, 2009 and Hill et al., 2009 和一本书 Bowles and Gintis, 2011(这本书要付费,我没法读)。支持他假设的主要证据是以经济学、人类演化学的数学推算模型符合考古观察,但神经科学、遗传学或分子生物学上的证据可以说几乎没有(有那么一点点超弦的味道)。我觉得未来要找到充分的证据也很难,主要原因是因为由基因影响到蛋白质、胞器、脑神经细胞、细胞连结乃至不同迴路產生的过程极为复杂,就算今天拿到了Homo Neanderthal的基因图谱或是完整脑袋甚至活人,可以和现代人比较,也难以证明其中的某些基因或迴路差别是造成hyperprosociality差异的原因。就连目前有极多科学家研究对象的自闭症原因与机制也大有争论(以自闭症而言,儘管造成原因不清楚,但同卵双生的双胞胎中有相同程度自闭症程度的机率并非是100%,而是~70%,显示从基因到行为并非一直线的),要确定某种人类高阶认知或行为能力是某(几)个基因突变造成,目前技术是无法达到的。除非以人为方式改变该(组)基因,接者在类似环境中成长后,观察其行为差异,其他证据都只是间接的。而要拿人类作基因改变来研究是不可能的。要证明Curtis Marean的hyperprosociality差异理论,科学上最无争论的方式是培养一堆活的Homo Neanderthal,然后让他们由人类抚养长大,最后发现他们无法cooperation with unrelated individuals。
王兄在文章中已经指出大规模合作组织能力是否真的在那10万年间被演化出来,要等到后续的研究找到那个使人类能接受陌生人命令的基因之后才算稳妥,我完全同意,但Neanderthal 及 Homo Erectus都已经灭绝,要证明他假设是对是错,恐怕未来很长一段时间都难有定论。最重要的是,我不认为几个基因就足以產生如此高阶的脑迴路变化,学习应该扮演更重要角色。
Mr Wang, I heard about quite a few crazy talks given by Donald Trump recently...and he is running for U.S. president...he sounds much worse than those Taiwanese president wanna bes... Love to hear your view on this man (wild card?)
I have a suspicion that he is running for not just his own ego but also to help Hilary. He is close to the Clintons, you know.
Democracy means drift ; it means permission given to each part of an organism to do just what it pleases; it means the lapse of coherence and interdependence, the enthronement of liberty and chaos .It means the worship of mediocrity ,and the hatred of excellence. It means the impossibility of great men - how could great men submit to the indignities and indecencies of an election ? What chance would they have ?" What is hated by the people , as a wolf by the dogs , is the free spirit , the enemy of all fetters, the not-adorer," the man who is not a " regular party-member ." How can the superman arise in such a soil ? And how can a nation become great when its greatest men lie unused , discouraged ,perhaps unknown? Such a society loses character ; imitation is horizontal instead of vertical -not the superior man but the majority man becomes the ideal and the model ; everybody comes to resemble everybody else; even the sexes approximate - the men become women and the women become men.