glad to have you back...i was wondering when you will write on Greece again after referendum(?), here it is...My thought is We cannot expect the most population of any country to have high intelligence and understand complicated issues well or even tricky politics...How to make sure politicians/govt officials act with conscience and intellignce? start young from school education? I have been thinking about this for a while but can't think of any real me social democratic govt is so far the best but so many people are against it too...
The democracies in Scandinavia seem to work just fine (as long as new Muslim immigrants are not involved), but these are small homogeneous countries with very high median income and education levels, together with a socialist welfare system. I just don't see how Taiwan can hope to make democracy work.
if TWN saves huge money wasted on expensive weapons purchases, outrageously high 18 % intrest to retired public servants' pensions payments, unnecessary public buidings, govt officials' corruptions, etc. There will be still huge sized funds available to many other good purposes to improve taiwanese wellbeings in general. as twn being such an overpopulated small island... i'm not sure if manufacturing industry is the best option for our future's so sad to see how bad;y ruined already by factories in the past...I believe there are other strengths for twn and twnese...???
There is nothing wrong with becoming a retirement haven and/or a service industry center, as long as you budget your expenditure and investment accordingly and secure your customer's good will. I just don't see Taiwan fulfilling these prerequisites.
Many TWN independance fundermntalists experience very strange kind of identidy crisis...if they are not Chinese (Taiwanese)? Are they American or Japanese? There are no real Taiwanese other than our aboriginals ( 12 tribes?)... Maybe all so called Taiwanese should move back to mainland, give the island back to those Real Taiwanese? Haha!
I tried that argument 20 years ago. It turned out that they thought two or three generations suffice to define a new and unique species.
It is very hard to reason with people who don't know what reason is.
2015-07-23 00:00
wll i will b the most hated by most people live in TWN including my own family there...but it's true the real Taiwaneses (yuen2 -tsu 4-ming2) were most hard done by later arrived settlers from mainland...Nobody else can claim to be real Taiwanese other than those indigenous people
Yes, and if they ask for independence, it will be the greatest irony.
But the Taiwanese political dialogues are so stupid that the irony will be totally lost on them.
To RR5朋友,其实我跟你想的是几乎一样的,可能我前面的话有引起你误解,我并不是替西方辩护,但是我觉得现代公民(责任与义务相统一)的概念是正确的,而这是我们华人社会缺乏的,您其他的观点我100%同意
To locust: 不到最后一刻实在不能矛盾调和的时候,我是反对动用武力的,用武力统一一时间能让人很振奋,但会造成长时间无法弥补的伤痕,如果设身处地在台湾人得立场,这是多重伤害(同民族的人来攻击,赤裸裸的侵略,践踏民主等),其实我很多时候尝试,如果我是台湾人,我会怎么想,我有哪些最自然的对于大陆的反应,如果报以理解之同情的态度,设身处地站在台湾人的立场,其实我觉得很多我们大陆看来荒诞不经的现象都有他内在的逻辑,还可以看到人性之弱点