5. 在国际贸易里,下者做產品,中者做品牌,上者做标准。中共在15年前(即朱镕基主导的第二次改革期间)就已注意到这点,在引进新技术的同时,兼顾建立有自已智慧產权的新标准,并不间断地加以扶持。在网络服务上,利用围墙(Great Firewall of China)拒止美国企业于国门之外,得以培养了BAT(Baidu,Alibaba,Tencent)这些本土的超大型企业。在无线电信上一样强加了中国独有的3G和4G标准,使欧美巨头无暇兼顾中国市场,因而得以培养出华为和中兴两家世界级的公司。现在在铁路和电力传输上,也是藉低价散布中国标准于世界市场,将来的后续订单会因此而独惠中企。
my thoughts are messy but i will try to list a few here after reading many responses... 1. Taiwan will not beneifit from TPP i am 100% sure about it. I can't believe how Twnese govt vowed to try its best to be "in the club" as their officials hoped... 2. I would like to remind all that both Taiwanese and Chinese economic growths should not be considered firstly only by GDP number (mentioned by Mr Wang in the past), secondly we must look at the environmental cost (air/water pollution, climate change factor, species extinction problem etc. ),the social cost (collapse of good values i.e.the rise of greed and selfishnes. inequality problem etc)...A blind and thoughless growth will not benefit people's quality of living (evidences based and pretty obvious already) 3. I am not impressed by Chinese army showing off their "military muscles" too often...it only worsen American's imagined threats therefore taking up all methods/alliance strategies to counter Chinese military power or balance the multilateral powers in Pacific. I am not saying China should not develop their defence system...but this should be somethng done in a more quiet manner ( well admittedly nowdays there is no real secret, with U.S. super spying ability internationally through modern tech and equipment i.e. satellites, hacking, etc.) but what's the point to bluff all the time when we all know there will be no real winner in future wars between super powers. There are so many ways China can influence the whole world without using force, just look at how Chinese food are popular just about in all countries, so you can almost say Chinese foods take over the world (biggest number of stomaches), while for now American pop culture/Hollywood movies/entertainment industry takes over most brains in this world...there are many other areas Chinese can look at to increase their influences, Asian Investment Bank was a great start in international finanial/monetary area... 4, there are so many challenges faced by so many countries; as I said before, American's foreign policy is not doing this world any good ( how it ruined so many countries, create disorder/unstability regionally, and look at millions of refugees fled to so many countries) and its corruptions within financial system and its govt will likely to be self destructive while bring many other countries down with them...both the third world war and the collapse of global financial system are all too likely to happen than not... I must pray human beings' stupidity will not ruin the whole planet therefore all other species die with us... 5. sorry getting too depressing now, the bad news about TPP really upsets me yesterday and still recovering from it...
I have noticed that Taiwanese power elites have no real understanding of the damage TPP can do. This is something that I will need to broadcast harder.
Chinese muscle flexing is a necessary to American encroachment. For ten years, the US was distracted by the mess in the Middle East. Obama, however, thinks it is time to make trouble for China. If China does not push back, Japan, Filipinos and Vietnam will be far more emboldened on the territorial disputes.
As I explained before, there is little consequence for bad behaviors from the US' point of view. Unfortunately, they also control the media, so even reputational problems can be covered up. We who speak the truth are the antidotes.
这个几分钟的片段里一个拿着中华民国护照的老人不会英文,男主角看似去帮助他,却用夸张的口音和怪声模仿中文来向观眾卖笑。然后又将自己的五官扭曲,背鸵起来,怪叫地假装模仿这位老人来制造笑料。但明明扮演这位老人的演员穿着笔挺的西装,五官端正也很有风度。最令人过分的是在最后,他见无法和老人沟通,就在老人脖子上挂了一个牌子写着PLEASE LOOK AFTER THIS CHINAMAN,然后把他推到了门外。我记得去年中国航空的飞机内杂志上说某些族裔的聚集区治安不好被BBC带头拿种族歧视为罪名炮轰了几周,还要求中国大使道歉。BBC作为英国政府出资的准官方媒体和国有企业的中国航空毫无性质区别,而且这次直接用侮辱性的种族歧视用语,其目的更是将西方观眾的欢乐建立在华人的痛苦之上。明显更为恶劣,此事发生在2010年前后。为何没人让英国大使馆和在台代表处道歉?
山猫提供的链接我去看了下,出离愤怒,但却无能为力。现在我也养成了每天看BBC, CNN,DW和Guardian的习惯,这些主流媒体每天都在提醒我,you are not one of us。当年出国的时候可是铁了心不想回国的,这些年的转变连我自己都感到惊讶。德国有个政策是博士答辩拿到summa cum laude的人可以直接申请永久居留,再过几年可以申请入籍。我依然相信没有申请是正确的选择。 华人确实不敢闹,而且也不爱闹。海外华人真正做到了闷声发大财,却又不喜欢参加当地的政治生活,自己平日的生活富足就基本满足了,这放到任何国家都是标准的良民。但是华人累积起来的巨大财富,在那些懒散且目不识丁的人看来就是原罪。君子无罪,怀璧有罪。当这些国家安全稳定的时候,除了偶尔被欺负恶心一下,平时还好。但一旦发生政治动荡甚至社会失序时,有钱没枪的华人看起来实在是可口的肥肉。东南亚国家的屡次屠杀华人,纳粹将华人赶尽杀绝,每每想起都暗自害怕。今天的欧洲已经进入乱纪元,我实在不敢贪图这一时的安逸,而把子孙后代的幸福悬于弦上。现在的中国百业俱兴,正要进入前所未有的盛世,于情于理,我都不愿留在这是非之地了。