Anglos 来源于拉丁语,不是英语的意思,而是England的意思,是指英国人中来源于德国北部peninsula of Angeln的人。Saxon是指来自德国北部和北欧的海盗民族。Saxon人入侵英伦,是英国歷史上很残酷的一次民族大混血,据说原住民中男子几乎都被入侵的Saxon人杀光了,今天的盎克撒民族,就是原住民剩下的女性被Saxon人抢夺后的混血產物。
Many thought Taiwan will not benefit much from TPP; the truth is Taiwan will be so screwed by TPP and dig a bottomless money pit for itself for years to come...the most urlnerable areas including State owned enterprises, government purcurements, ISD settlement, plus many more...American businesses / govt will not invit TWN to join unless they know they can screw you so much more
I think the state owned enterprise issue will give any Taiwanese politician pauses before signing up, but we really don't have the exact language of the agreement yet, so we don't know how the US got Vietnam on board.
2015-06-07 00:00
btw, I understand what you meant by watching JO's show...I think we ask too much that he can fix any problem, but I think he will make many more to pay attention/think about certain problems more because the way he talked about them...many people got put off by serious writing especially when it's about politics...I have spent all day yesterday to read through all your aritcles written in the past. Thank you for sharing your thoughts/ideas with others. I learnt a lot from your writing. I'm so glad to find such high quality/standard writing here. I have give up blogs for many years, but your blog will be the one to watch,,,Thanks again also, JO himself found it frustrating and depressing by some govts and most people's stupidity
Once in a while, when the persons in charge are not bought by the big money, John Oliver and his viewers can possibly deliver results. But ultimately, this is a healing channel within the system, and the modern American political system has been so corrupted that it is immune to fundamental fixes from the inside. So John Oliver is doomed from the beginning.
2015-06-07 00:00
Hi I am very glad to see someone in Taiwan has a good understanding about TPP ... I sent my concerns about TPP to a journalist in Taiwan 3 years ago but no one seemed to know anything about this...great to learn that you have such insights. Yes please make sure more people know about this. there is a website in NZ tells you lots about TPP too.,nz I have been actively involved in against signning up TPP campaign in NZ for last three years and I have been really worried about some Taiwanese politicians' ignorence and naivity. i was from Taiwan many years ago and live in NZ
Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the link.
2015-06-07 00:00
further more, please note very few chapters in TPPA are about covers so much more than trades ( i.e. military alliance...) sorry I don't type Chinese...and my English is not the best either, but i believe you can understand it, hopefully!
No problem. I understand you perfectly.
2015-06-07 00:00
google John Oliver and watch Last week tonight show (HBO) to have good laughs...when this world depresses us...
Actually I find John Oliver's program pretty depressing. After all, most of the problems never get fixed.
Very upsetting news about TPP; NZ is/will be so fu.ked...(as well few other countries who signed up); and the idiotic Twnese govt is keen to join the economic suicidal match as soon as it can without knowing any shit about this agreement...( oh, it's a Free trade agreement, it must be good for taiwan, those lazy idiots say/think...) excuse my language, i am just too angry. I give up fighting it any more, it's better for my mental health if i just take my kids out for some outdoor they will have some good memories for this school holiday, before they will have to face the tough reality in this country in a not too distant future.
It is very disappointing to me too, although I have been predicting this outcome all along.
Even after its approval, the details are still not forthcoming. This really is a very very bad sign.
Many analysis on TPP mostly focused on its impact on Trades...when only a few chapters out of close to 30 chapters are about trade...those (non-trade) ones might be even more critical to most countries... i suspect those chapters re trades are just decoy...especially when some duty deductions will take up to few decades to complete... in my view S, Korea is not being smart either if they want to join...
South Korea is smart. They did not say they "want to join"; they said "they would consider joining if it was in their national interests". That is the correct attitude.
不知先生看过Walter和Howie写的Red Capitalism: The Fragile Foundation of China's extrordinary rise否?作者二人都曾任职于CICC作高管,所以从某种角度也是中国金融体系改革变迁的参与者。这本书从中国的银行业开始,详细阐述了银行业改革上市过程中的政府资本运作的手法,继而由银行业为核心又扩展到中国的极端不真实的债券市场,最后又谈到了股票市场以及所谓“国家队”背后的利益考量。总览全书,作者的中心观点在于中国的银行业以及整个资本市场不过是党实现其目标的工具,其本身的incentive structure在于“讲政治”而不是“资本逐利",继而作者隐含了其对于整个中国资本市场投资价值的深深怀疑。在中国这个环境下,本来所有的经济架构都是为了政治而服务的。而中共政治上最基本的要求就是稳定,其他都是次要的。 个人理解,中共特色的三元悖论:发展、改革、稳定三目标中,只能同时保证两个。而在文革以后的大部分时间里,稳定的目标压倒一切,那么在发展和改革两者之间,只能相机抉择走钢丝,先保一保发展,而停一停改革。现在也就是这么个情况。不知您怎么看。
It looks like there are many Taiwanese govt officials still believe TPP to be most beneficial to Taiwan either with or without US....what's wrong with these brainless people? the text is out there for them to read and therefore make sound judgement....Does any of those even read any part of it? I wonder...Sigh!
I can tell you for sure that none of the minister level or above in 蔡's government has read the TPP text. Even if they try, they would not understand anything anyway.