四年前一个名叫Tyler Cowen的美国经济学教授写了一本书,叫做《The Great Stagnation》(《大停滞》),试图解释美国经济自1970年代初期开始的明显停滞现象。他的理论是在1960年代,大部分能改善人民生活的科技都已经普遍化了;从1970年代开始,科技的进展大幅减缓,以致美国人的生活水准不能再以同样的速度提升。他举的例子主要是一般美国家庭的房子和车,其主要功能如电力供应、空调、吸尘器、洗衣机、烘乾机、洗碗机、烤箱等等在1960年代就已广泛应用,50年来新加的只有电脑和网络。因为一般人的生活用品与祖父母那代基本相同,所以当然生活水准就不可能有快速的提升。
所以总体来说,这个Tyler Cowen教授是Barking Up The Wrong Tree(找错了树来狂吠)。当然他的错误理论有利于财阀们对民眾洗脑,在学术界造成很基本的不确定性,避免了人民团结起来争取权益的可能,所以他自然被主要媒体狂捧,成为新一代经济学的明星之一。他自己知道他的名利双收是因为做了财阀的走狗帮凶吗?从目前的迹象来看,他并不是有意而为,而只是一个幸运的蠢蛋;不幸的是,他的幸运是建筑在99%的民眾的痛苦上的。指鹿为马、蠢人当道,这就是今日美式经济学的写照。
This is my motto. I am the 99% but I want to be the 1%. The income of 1% is ~ $~400,000. BTW, blaming the 1% really misses the point. Most of the 1% people are highly successful professionals, entrepreneurs and small business owners. It is the 0.01% or even the 0.001% people who should pay their fair dues. We now live in a winner-take-all society. Globalization and automation create unprecedented competitions in job market. On the other hand, the progresses have been breath-taking. We now have pocket-sized cell phones, which possess more computing power than supercomputers from merely a few decades ago. We now have more precise medicine for certain cancer patients because of new sequencing technologies. Through automation, Foxconn has reduced 50% work force in one factory (from 100,000 down to 50,000). I would say this. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退. Above average or mediocre just won’t cut it. As long as opportunities are equal, re-distribution is simply unfair. BTW, many highly successful people in this country are immigrants. They were not even on the same playing field to start with. Most Americans are lack of work ethic and ignorant. They should not blame the 1% for their own fault! Finally, Jack, if I made you mad, I am sorry.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."(“如果一个人的薪水要求他不懂什么事,那么他就学不会。”)是美国作家Upton Sinclair的名言。例子很多,超弦是一个;氢气能源界是一个;美国的军人有几十万,绝大部分相信他们在侵略伊拉克时,是“Good Guys”(“好人”);我在华尔街看到的几十万工作人员,至少有95%以上自认是自由繁荣的斗士。
> 美国的弱势群体在很大程度上是以均贫富为目的的福利制度制造出来的。最近有一本书《Coming Apart》是Charles Murray(《The Bell Curve》的作者之一)写的
Charles Murray很擅于抛出重要但又极具争议的观点,很明显他这里是在为美国政策开脱富人阶级而开脱,雷根巫毒经济学时期不也正是贫富差距讯速拉大的开端?只怪罪于福利太好是明显的偏颇,同时这些所谓福利无一不是和大企业能提供的"服务"有关,但这几十年来黑人能接受的公办教育改善了吗?这种真正的福利反而原地踏步,很期待继续在这里看到对这些宏大的议题进一步讨论...
I don't mean to argue here but can't help noticing how everything used to be made in TWN a couple or more decades ago...and for maybe 20 years' "booming" economy on the surface...Look at how its land/ water (environment in general) was being damaged if not completely ruined...then without choice of our own, most manufactures moved to China & few other countries for even cheaper labors, now let's look again at the environmental cost for this...in recent years and in the future many more factories will move to somewhere else cheaper again... I personally also hate this most re how multinational corps' multi billions dollars tax dodging/avoidance every year which is totally unacceptable...on top of this how those hot money flow among countries/markets freely without proper regulation in many countries which created more damage than benefits to most people, they basically screw the general public for making no real contribution to productivity/ real economy... sorry I never study economics and my views are all based on my own maybe "biased" observation , being a socialist (in some ways)
Pollution control costs money. This is a problem of big money being greedy, not in manufacturing itself.
2016-07-11 00:00
i was quite shocked by Lastman's words which perfectly reflect the greedy and selfish mentality of those small groups of privileged people in US / many other countries...globalization and free market both sound good in theory but full of flaws when it come down to equal footing and wealth distribution...the damaging /destructive results/ facts are there to be seen, how blind and stupid can those people be?
China and much of East Asia are the incidental beneficiaries of the latest round of globalization, though. So at least some good comes out of it, although it was certainly not the original intention of the American hegemonists.
全球化一旦发生,就跨过了Point of no return,不是个人、组织、或者财阀意志可以决定的。如果把全球经济看成一个系统,那么总势能的泛函functional一定会往最小方向移动,达到动态的Equilibrium,就和开闸放水一样。全球原先分割的经济体,通过经济分工的方式联系起来了,来达到efficiency的最优。这个过程顺之者昌逆之者亡,财阀们也不例外。这就是美国社会中位数收入徘徊的原因。我不觉得的是件坏事,首先这些年美国企业依然保持了勃勃生机,表现得比欧洲和日本好,其次全球更多人因此富裕起来了。过去美国人高中毕业就可以过上中产阶级生活养活一家才是不正常的,也不会再回来。想靠筑墙保护inefficiency才是民粹和自取灭亡。我认为美国财阀所做所为才是拯救国家,美国平民百姓 are entitled to nothing。
I don’t get why my words could possibly shock frances, who I assume is from Taiwan? Allow me to remind you that Taiwan is one of major beneficiaries of globalization and free market economy, prior to which Taiwan was no other than a third world country grossly populated and languished in abject poverty and pathetic social problems. For those who have short memory in history, educate yourself by googling “野火集 by龙应台”. I read this book when I was little. Industrialization actually saved my country from total environmental aprocalypse. In my childhood memory, the river was filthy and permeated with odor. The land simply cannot afford so many people living there. Thanks to the development, people stop cutting trees for fuel, more eco-friendly techs are introduced, and industrial wastes are better regulated. Everything has been changed substantially and forestation rate in China has risen from 8% to 22%. You live a sheltered life all because of free market economy without which your country would have to face social, economic, and environmental challenges as Bangladesh does, which has comparable population density to Taiwan. Wouldn’t it be a kind of hypocritical to blame the rich and multinationals while enjoying the amenities brought by them? That is the very mentality leading to today’s Taiwan’s dilemma. Take everything for granted and blame everybody else (China, Rich, privileged, government, multinationals, etc.) instead of making themselves more competitive like what Singapore is doing. Is business and money flowing out of Singpore simply because China has cheaper labor? No. Nobody is entitled to anything. What globalization gives, What globalization takes, says Bible.
It is true that only with wealth accumulation can a society deal with many problems and bring about better lives to its members. Industrialization being the key to wealth accumulation, we cannot possibly turn our backs to it.
That having been said, I don't think there is anything hypocritical about criticizing the rich and powerful, as long as the criticism is based on facts. Wealth is derived from the endeavor of the whole society, both active and passive. Even if some entrepreneurs do exceptional work, a rational observer should still have the ability as well as the right to acknowledge both their contributions and misdeeds, if there are any.
2016-07-13 00:00
Why should I waste my time to have a debate with someone who compares TWN with Singapore or Bangladesh...I can write a book about how it's totally inappropriate to do so... And i was being shocked again by how lastman was so confused by the real cause and the real effect of things Cheap labour of course was never the only reason; also the weak environmental regulation, the lack of clean govt, and many more other factors... as I said there are already plenty evidence/facts to be seen all over the world to prove how globalization/free market have failed miserably, if not completely. I think you have got selected vision...
(I worked for several multi national big corporations when i was young, I know enough how they worked/operated in "under-developed " & "developing" countries...but of course, there are always plenty Believers who only see the "positives and benefits" instead of the real costs to those countries.
Real innovation is hard. Much easier it is to make money by lying to and squeezing the weak. But let's stay grounded on facts and facts only. Avoid over-generalization.