Any loss of life is a tragedy. Unfortunately, the child didn’t even have a choice. It was very sad. It might sound unhuman but drastic measure is the only medicine left to save Taiwan. Let DPP and its kind run Taiwan for the next 20 years. They can choice to go lower and lower. Hopefully at some point, their supporters will finally realize the stupidity. CCP should not even say anything more. Just stick to the one China policy. Let the clown show run its course.
I think what you suggest is exactly how the Culture Revolution ran down its course. Taiwan is not as totally crazy as the real Culture Revolution, which took 10 years to exhaust the whole nation, so 20 years may be necessary.
博主建议我读读《林彪传》没有说哪个版本的,个人以为是指刘家驹写的那本。说到这名作者挺有意思的,和杨继绳都曾供职《炎黄春秋》,但两人的境遇却大相径庭。一位因写了《林彪传》被封笔和“很快,就给我下达了退休的命令”(本人原话),另一位写了有关三年饥荒和6.4赵紫阳访谈等更敏感的文章,却一直活跃在知识界,并相序在大陆出版了几部广受追捧的书籍。个中奥妙不言而喻。 94年起在香港工作,读了许多之前未读过的文章和书籍(上述二者的书籍也是在香港出版的),当时还年轻,又渴望看到听到不同的声音,现在基本没兴趣了。看过最后一本写毛泽东的书,纽约时报给出的书评标题为(The Tyrant Mao, as Told by His Doctor),同博主的看法相近。 后注:兄台关于死3600万的数字落后了,丽文正经话 2015-05-05这期,国军原中将帅化民将军给出的是7000万。 国共交锋时拼的你死我活,同台湾网友(包括我在台湾的亲戚)交流时多次有人提到——抗战胜利后,老共不挑起内战(汗),早就实现民主制度了。要不就是响应外国人的提议划江而治,也不会死那么多人(反正害死人的帽子一定要扣上)!一个小小的台湾两党恶斗经济都止步不前,不知国共两党恶斗起来今日中国能不能比印度强?之前兄台的文章写过人命是有价的,那这场内战从经济学的角度看打的值不值? 毛泽东和蒋介石一个在大陆搞文革,另一个在台湾搞戒严(我看到的是台湾“立委”不完全调查609万台湾居民中有超过14万人遇难,同文革相比,比例恐怕更高些,不知是否真实)在我看来都是政治斗争的延续,目的是巩固统治。政治斗争从来都是残酷血腥的,那有正确与否之分。我对杀人狂的理解是为了杀人而杀人,漫无目的,恐怕这二位都不符合吧。不论两岸各次运动到底是死了多少人,总之都是中华民族的不幸。 兄台之前也对毛泽东,文革等做出过评价,没有人继续话题。这次主动提到死3600万的事,网友“天天”善意温和的给出大家都经常看的观网的链接,并没有正面讨论。兄台给他第一次回复时,我就写了一些文字怕引起不必要的争论没发,后兄台大概觉得不尽兴又添加了一大段文字,看了后实在是不吐不快了。我想诚实的指出兄台不严谨的说法应该是对兄台最好的回报,想必兄台不会在意对吧! PS:响应众网友的号召,不再讨论争议话题。
"那个老师若不是仇中,骂韩妈妈干什么?" 那个老师若不是仇中,骂韩妈妈干什么?" hmm, let's see. 1. The student was misbehaving. 2. The teacher had a short temper and did not like rebelling kids. 我在网上新闻看到的 facts: 1. The kid jumped off the floor. 2. The teacher disciplined her verbally and perhaps insulted the student's mother during the exchange. 3. The student's mother is from China. 但我没读到 hard evidence that showed the teacher 仇视陆配。A person unfit to be a teacher, maybe, and if she indeed discriminates the kid and bullied her, she should be censured sure, but until there is evidence that the heated exchange was rooted in "hatred towards mainlanders", should we not 煽火?要不就如blaming 国民党的"暴政" caused 那个反课纲的小孩去自杀一样离谱?sensationalize 新闻是台湾记者的通病,希望王先生和这儿的读者properly scrutinize the news first before making perhaps a simple case of inappropriate behaviors from the student and the teacher into a political issue.
本以为这里是知识份子可以就事论事的一片净土。guess I was wrong. 终于可以了解为何当出一群民进党激近份子硬把一个有心理疾病的小孩的衝动行为扯成义士之举,把国民党讲成杀人凶手。删就删吧。王先生一味情绪化的comments攻击我而不是好好讨论,令人惋惜。一言堂的抹黑不will not help your cause.
全世界每天都有被霸凌而自杀的年轻人,每个都是心理不稳定的,这和霸凌的社会背景完全无关(更别提太阳花事件,那扯得更是远了),而后者才是这里讨论的重点。你硬要扯上前者,就是Straw Man Fallacy,用中文讲就是放烟幕、转话题。来我的部落格还敢搞这种不入流的把戏,不管你是不是有自觉,我都不会客气的。
to those Taiwanese who think bullying a mianland Chinese single mum's child is acceptable & no big deal... remember this when one day it's your own children or someone close to you who got bullied in China, or any other countries , and nobody will take proper action against bullying after tragedy happens... It would be too late for many to regret and think " I should have done more to stop this from hapening again" It's heart breaking to see what this young girl did to protest against the hostile environment, it's even worse to see how some had those heartless reactions...a society has lost its heart and soul
Bullies are naturally unaware of their bullying, because it is far easier to find excuses than owning up to the truth that they are ugly human beings.