其实早在2012年四月,中国人民银行(即中共的中央银行)就已宣布将建立自己的国际支付系统,叫做CIPS(China International Payment System,人民币跨境支付系统)。不过虽然名字叫“支付系统”,当时人民银行发出的八股文(参见http://finance.people.com.cn/forex/GB/17632927.html)却说CIPS是为“支付结算”而建立的。短短一篇文里,每个谈用途的句子都说“结算”或“清算”(“Settlement”),总共用了八次之多;对SWIFT更是一字不提。“Settlement”和“Payment”是两回事,所以我以为CIPS是一个结算系统,和SWIFT没有衝突。
I think Bitcoin may be a solution. I enjoyed very much this week’s New York Time Magazine. It has an article about Bitcoin. The US of A is in decline and the signs are everywhere. In the good old days, US will use the term “moral obligation” when it engaged with international affairs. Now, we hear the term “US national interests” more. If a leader becomes obsessed with his own interests and cares less about the interests of others, group members will revolt. Of course UK, Germany and others will not follow. They all have their own national interests. So it should be easy to figure out why Japan and DPP want to stick to the US coalition. Because the association serves their current interests. However, US interests will not stay the same but Taiwan is right next door to Mainland. What is the plan B for DPP’s “Mainland strategy”? It cannot be just sticking to the US coalition. DPP should learn from the history of Vietnam, Kurds, Iraq and Afghanistan. Let me make this point one more time – TI can be a noble idea but hiding behind the interests of US is not the way to fight for TI. It is actually cowardly. Talk the talk is easy. But walk the walk requires determination, sacrifice and courage. DPP has none of these characters. Of course they don’t love Taiwan. They only serve their own interest/political ambition. BTW, are you Jack?
I think Bitcoin is just for criminals.
Central banks were invented because free currency did not work, not because the government wanted to steal money. That was invented later.
To Caspase: 反腐及官场整治无疑是当时也是当下非常重要的事情,但是在非战争年代,经济永远是最重要的事情。而且反腐及官场整治等党内的整风都是总书记直接领导和拍板的,找一个能力强的当纪委书记固然可以执行的更好,但肯定不是关键因素,关键是在任总书记的决心、能力和魄力。07年的人事安排已经确定习是未来的总书记,李是总理,共产党内非常看重这个所谓的政治规矩,除非当事者出现重大错误,或者发生政变,否则不可能改变这个格局,这也就是我说的缺乏灵活性。但是话说回来,不以规矩、不能成方圆,否则很容易被野心人士利用。曾经看过一个流传出来的半公开视频,王亲口说他只服习近平。既然王和李不能共处,李又是总理的不二人选,王就不可能在国务院任职,常委中其它位置也只有纪委书记比较适合他,而习肯定也早有打算上台之后大力整治官场。中共体制内还有个不成文的规矩非常不合理:严格的年龄红线,如常委中的“七上八下”,即年满68就下,67以下就还可以再干一届,照这样邓小平77年根本没丝毫机会东山再起。这个规矩是江泽民时期为限制乔石量身定做的,完全不合理。希望习能打破这个规矩,让王岐山在2017年后能再干一届。另外,邓小平规定的2届任期制无疑是非常合理的。 另外对于胡春华再多说一句,个人对胡春华的魄力还是比较期待的,他能在大学毕业刚20岁时(他16岁就以他们那个地区第一名的入读北京大学)就自愿决定去西藏工作,这对80年代初那批珍稀的大学毕业生是很难想象的,并在西藏呆了将近20年,绝对需要大魄力和勇气。二是这些年他对广东官场的整治及经济的转型做的也非常不错。